About Us

OUR OBJECTIVES: Unveiling the Spirit of Mountain Climbing

  • Organise hiking and climbing expeditions or outings
  • Take necessary steps to promote the safety of walkers and mountaineers and to take part in search and rescue activities
  • Procure access rights to mountain and wilderness areas and to expand and protect these
  • To protect the country’s natural beauty and its water supplies
  • To promote mountaineering and hiking activity in South Africa and elsewhere.

Learn More About MCSA


The Mountain Club of South Africa (MCSA), Worcester Section, was founded in 1893 in Worcester, and is the only mountain club in Africa that is affiliated to the world mountaineering body, The International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (Union Internationale des Associations d’Alpinisme) (UIAA) theuiaa.org.

The MCSA is divided into 14 geographical sections and owns a multitude of pristine mountain huts and nature-area properties across South Africa.

Click on OTHER SECTIONS for more information about them.

Join Today

How to Join: MCSA Worcester

If you want to join our club, please send an email to our secretary at admin@wor.mcsa.org.za and ask for the latest meets programme and ask that your name be put on our mailing list.

We will also require a CV of your hiking experience.

The criteria for becoming a member is: you must undertake at least three (3) official Section meets, plus one (1) official work-weekend at Thomas Hut, with the understanding that the Committee may make an exception to this rule in deserving cases.

Our Adventurers:

Proactive hiking team

Unite with our passionate team of adventurers, exploring uncharted trails and igniting the spirit of hiking. Let us guide you on unforgettable journeys, unlocking the wonders of nature and creating lasting memories.